
Nvim :help pages, generated from source using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.

Vim-raku provides syntax highlighting, indentation, and other support for editing Raku programs.
1. Using Unicode in your Raku files raku-unicode

1. Using Unicode in your Raku files raku-unicode

Defining new operators using Unicode symbols is a good way to make your Raku program easy to read. See: https://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/day-18-formulas-resistance-is-futile/
While Raku does define ASCII alternatives for some common operators (see https://docs.raku.org/language/unicode_ascii), using the full range of Unicode operators is highly desirable. Your operating system provides input facilities, but using the features built in to Vim may be preferable.
The natural way to produce these symbols in Vim is to use digraph shortcuts (:help digraphs-use). Many of them are defined; type :digraphs to get the list. A convenient way to read the list of digraphs is to save them in a file. From the shell:
vim +'redir >/tmp/vim-digraphs-listing.txt' +digraphs +'redir END' +q
Some of them are available with standard Vim digraphs:
<< « /0 ∅ !< ≮
>> » Ob ∘ !> ≯
., … 00 ∞ (C ⊂
(U ∩ -: ÷ )C ⊃
)U ∪ (_ ⊆ >= ≥
?= ≅ )_ ⊇ =< ≤
(- ∈ ?= ≅ != ≠
-) ∋ ?- ≃
The Greek alphabet is available with "*" followed by a similar Latin symbol:
*p π
*t τ
*X ×
Numbers, subscripts and superscripts are available with 's' and 'S':
0s ₀ 0S ⁰
1s ₁ 1S ¹
2s ₂ 9S ⁹
But some don't come defined by default. Those are digraph definitions you can add in your ~/.vimrc file.
exec 'digraph \\ ' .. char2nr('∖')
exec 'digraph \< ' .. char2nr('≼')
exec 'digraph \> ' .. char2nr('≽')
exec 'digraph (L ' .. char2nr('⊈')
exec 'digraph )L ' .. char2nr('⊉')
exec 'digraph (/ ' .. char2nr('⊄')
exec 'digraph )/ ' .. char2nr('⊅')
exec 'digraph )/ ' .. char2nr('⊅')
exec 'digraph U+ ' .. char2nr('⊎')
exec 'digraph 0- ' .. char2nr('⊖')
" Euler's constant
exec 'digraph ne ' .. char2nr('𝑒')
" Raku's atomic operations marker
exec 'digraph @@ ' .. char2nr('⚛')
Alternatively, you can write Insert mode abbreviations that convert ASCII- based operators into their single-character Unicode equivalent.
iabbrev <buffer> !(<) ⊄
iabbrev <buffer> !(<=) ⊈
iabbrev <buffer> !(>) ⊅
iabbrev <buffer> !(>=) ⊉
iabbrev <buffer> !(cont) ∌
iabbrev <buffer> !(elem) ∉
iabbrev <buffer> != ≠
iabbrev <buffer> (&) ∩
iabbrev <buffer> (+) ⊎
iabbrev <buffer> (-) ∖
iabbrev <buffer> (.) ⊍
iabbrev <buffer> (<) ⊂
iabbrev <buffer> (<+) ≼
iabbrev <buffer> (<=) ⊆
iabbrev <buffer> (>) ⊃
iabbrev <buffer> (>+) ≽
iabbrev <buffer> (>=) ⊇
iabbrev <buffer> (\|) ∪
iabbrev <buffer> (^) ⊖
iabbrev <buffer> (atomic) ⚛
iabbrev <buffer> (cont) ∋
iabbrev <buffer> (elem) ∈
iabbrev <buffer> * ×
iabbrev <buffer> **0 ⁰
iabbrev <buffer> **1 ¹
iabbrev <buffer> **2 ²
iabbrev <buffer> **3 ³
iabbrev <buffer> **4 ⁴
iabbrev <buffer> **5 ⁵
iabbrev <buffer> **6 ⁶
iabbrev <buffer> **7 ⁷
iabbrev <buffer> **8 ⁸
iabbrev <buffer> **9 ⁹
iabbrev <buffer> ... …
iabbrev <buffer> / ÷
iabbrev <buffer> << «
iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]<< «=«
iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]>> «=»
iabbrev <buffer> <= ≤
iabbrev <buffer> =~= ≅
iabbrev <buffer> >= ≥
iabbrev <buffer> >> »
iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]<< »=«
iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]>> »=»
iabbrev <buffer> Inf ∞
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-add-fetch ⚛+=
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-assign ⚛=
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch ⚛
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-dec-fetch --⚛
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-dec ⚛--
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-inc ⚛++
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-inc-fetch ++⚛
iabbrev <buffer> atomic-sub-fetch ⚛−=
iabbrev <buffer> e 𝑒
iabbrev <buffer> o ∘
iabbrev <buffer> pi π
iabbrev <buffer> set() ∅
iabbrev <buffer> tau τ
Commands index
Quick reference